Solutions for Dental Anxiety

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Does the though of visiting the dentist make you anxious? You’re not alone. Many people of all ages experience dental anxiety. There can be many reasons for dental fear, including bad past experiences and a lack of understanding. Whatever the reason, anxiety can keep many people from getting their regular dental cleanings. Unfortunately, avoiding regular maintenance can allow small problems to turn into big ones. A poor smile can then cause even more anxiety. Don’t deprive yourself of the benefits of oral health — there are options!


Fear of the unknown is very common, so Dr. Ryan O’Malley and the staff at O’Malley Dental are dedicated to improving patient education. We are happy to explain every aspect of your treatment until you feel comfortable with your appointment. By teaching our patients about the different treatments available to them, we can help you choose the option best suited to you and your values.

Sedation Dentistry

For some patients, education and a comfortable office may not be enough. For these patients, Dr. O’Malley offers sedation Dentistry. Sedation dentistry is just what it says on the tin: if you struggle with dental fear, we offer medical sedation to help you feel calm. We offer two forms of sedatives: oral conscious sedation, and nitrous oxide. After a discussion of your medical history, we will help you decide on the safest form of sedative for you. Both of these methods let you stay awake and responsive but calm during your appointment, but they have some key differences.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation takes the form of a pill. After your first consultation, Dr. O’Malley will write you a prescription for the sedative. You will take the pill shortly before your treatment. We can give you detailed instructions on how to take it either at your initial consultation, or over the phone. Because you will need to take the pill at home and it takes time to wear off, you will need a friend or family member to escort you both to and from your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide may be more familiar to you under the name “laughing gas.” This method is inhaled through a mask. The best thing about laughing gas is that it only really works when the mask is in place. It starts working quickly, and stops a few minutes after removing the mask. This means that you can drive yourself to an from your appointment!

Schedule an Appointment

Has dental fear kept you from the treatment you deserve? There are options! Contact O’Malley Dental in Simpsonville, SC and ask us about sedation dentistry. Schedule your consultation online or at 864-962-7672 today.